Let's get right to it! What are some good strategies for Everdell? Here are some:
- Storehouse is good if you can pair it with strategies to multiply its effects. Like ones that let you activate green cards like Chip Sweep, the special event, or the Forest location.
- There was an online challenge called the “No Green Challenge” which challenged people to go without production (green) cards. People discovered other great ways to play the game - so keep your mind open!
- Watch out for cards that’ll get you resources or other cards when you perform an action - these are powerful. Like Shopkeep, Historian, and Courthouse.
- Locations are paired up with critters. Make sure you’re aware of the good combinations. Some are great, and others are not very good.
- Beware of cost-reduction tricks. Like the Crane, Queen, and Innkeeper.
- Never wait for a card. You might never get it!
- Don’t build production cards later in the game because you won’t get much benefit from them then. Winter (first turn) is best.
- Try not to pay for Critters - use their buildings instead. HJH: verify I have it the right way around.
- Watch that your claim easy events before your opponents do.
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